Koh Tao, Thailand Upgraded accommodation with air-con, hot water and free beers!

A Quick Overview

All you need to know in a few bullets

  • For experienced divers
  • For inexperienced divers
  • Pelagic life
  • Macro life
  • Photo/video
  • Wrecks
  • Beach
  • Other activities
  • Culture
  • Party
  • History
  • Shopping

Thulusdhoo, Maldives

Advanced Course - Private acc. (5 days / 4 nights. Incl. 5 dives)

The diving
This course is the next step in increasing your knowledge and developing your skills to make your diving even safer and more enjoyable. If you’re aged 15 or over then you’re ready for action.

The course consists of 5 dives, each of them explores a new area of diving, like deep diving, wreck diving, navigation or underwater photography. It is a playful course, giving you experience and control in the water by simply diving with different purposes and goals.
Bottom line, the course is awesome, and it for sure does not get less special if done on a beautiful tropical island, like Thulusdhoo in the stunning Maldives!

Together with your instructor, you will have a fun, safe and different course that will be something to remember.

Thulusdho is an island where the surfing and the diving crowds live side by side on the beach. One block away is the real Maldives, the local village with its steady, slow pace of life, white sandy streets and green plants everywhere. It is all very pretty!
There is no alcohol on the island, but often, there is a really cool bar-boat just off the island, where you can quench your thirst with a cold beer, while the sun goes down and the tropical heat makes way for the comfortable evening breeze. From June to October you might even see manta rays feeding on the plankton which is attracted by the lights of the bar-boat! Take a mask and snorkel with you and join them in the warm water for an amazing encounter with these gentle giants.

Your guesthouse – Akiri Surf Grand
Just 20 meters from the bikini-beach you'll find the relaxed guesthouse of Akiri Surf Grand, and a few minutes of walking in the opposite direction will bring you to the dive center.
Your breakfast will be served in the cozy restaurant or outdoors in the lounging garden which is lush and green with endemic vegetation and trees to provide shade. Step out of the garden right onto the Bikini-beach to enjoy the turquoise waters. The guesthouse is very popular with surfers as well as divers which provides a great atmosphere.

Your Room
Each room has A/C, Fan, WIFI, television, refrigerator and a private bathroom with a hot shower. The rooms are cleaned daily.

Days / Nights included 5 days / 4 nights
Amount of dives included 5 dives
Days / Nights included 6 days / 5 nights
Amount of dives included 4 dives
Extra day diving (2 dives) + 1 night private acc EUR 208
Extra night in private room (after package) EUR 53
Extra night in private room (before package) EUR 53
Refresher dive - added to first dive EUR 11